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Warm nordic

Warm nordic
Warm nordic
' Warm Nordic is a passion and is very close to my heart. For me and many other people, the Scandinavian style and way of life is full of warmth. It is far from 'Cool Nordic' as it is often called. Sure it can be cold outside, but there is a warm atmosphere indoors.

The style is not about excessive decoration, but about a warm, authentic look and maybe even an open fire. This style is what made the Danish hygge concept so famous all over the world. When others noticed the beauty and quality of the old classics, I couldn't bear that famous chairs by Hans Olsen and Knud Færch or internationally sought-after lamps by Svend Aage Holm-Sørensen should only live their lives at international auctions. Now Warm Nordic has brought them and a variety of other classic designs to life. '
Frantz Longhi, founder of Warm Nordic

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